Ever feel like you can only wear bold lipstick, like red, if you're all dolled up and in a perfect outfit? Allow me to present exhibit A to the contrary: this shot of Rose McGowan leaving a gym in West Hollywood yesterday.
True, Rose doesn't look like she got much of a workout, unless there was a hairstylist waiting in the locker room to give her a post-Pilates blowout or something. But she is wearing a plain-old gray sweatshirt and almost no makeup (other than the lipstick), so maybe she really was exercising. In which case I completely love her for wearing red lips to the gym. I think if I dared to do such a thing, the red lips would make me run at like 6.5 mph instead of 6 on the treadmill. But more important, this photo serves as inspiration for those days when you feel like wearing red lipstick even though your outfit's just some meh old thing. Go for it! Red is always cute and always a pick-me-up, and it looks perfect even when the rest of your face is left natural.
Do you feel like you have to dress up with a red lip, or are you confident rocking one in a casual way like this?