If the Time app that predicts what age you should be getting married scared you into wanting to find someone ASAP (I'm already two weeks late, you guys!), MTV is here to help you find your soulmate.
As a promotion for the new show Are You the One?, MTV has set up a matchmaker for those of us who aren't budding reality-TV stars. Simply click here and then allow the app to connect with your Facebook page, and voila, a possible soulmate who will probably terrify you.
My results? The first was actually an eligible single guy who shall remain nameless because, suffice it to say, he's a nice man but definitely not my soulmate. The problem with any app that matches you with your Facebook friends is that if I wanted to date any of my Facebook friends, I would have already tried. But I don't.
Anyway, since you're given the option to try again without the chosen "soulmate," I went in for round two, and the results got worse. This time the app picked me a very cute old friend, who also happens to be very married. And my third try yielded a tall, dark, and handsome guy. Unfortunately, he's not only in a long-term relationship, he's also gay, which makes him doubly unavailable to me as a soulmate.
I think I will keep looking (and also keep thinking that the concept of soulmates is mostly nonsense).
Whether or not you believe in soulmates (or soulmates amongst your Facebook friends), I know you were all curious and clicked, so who did you get?
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