Well, the answer is: none of the above. If you sift through about a billion ALL CAPS Internet headlines, you can find the articles where the Game confirms they never hooked up, or the ones where a source shoots down the Matt Kemp rumor. The main impetus for the Kardash/Kemp coupling, BTW, was an Instagram the baseball player posted of the Kardashian family Christmas tree. Because, you know, obviously someone only sees your Christmas tree if you're in a monogamous relationship. (In a related story, I am proud to announce that I'm dating most of my neighbors, and a few handymen as well.) Khloe and Kemp also went to a Drake concert together—so does that actually count as a love triangle? In any case, to see the way the press jumped all over them taking in some music together, you'd think that they skipped town for Cabo in a JUST MARRIED car and ran naked into the surf.
My point is: We love us a new celeb couple here at Glamour, but when things are in the early stages of goss, we try to tamp down our excitement and wait for some confirmation. Occasionally we get overexcited and gently speculative—I mean, we can't have an inkling that Adam Brody and Leighton Meester are kissing and not talk to you guys about it—but maybe in the case of not-even-really dissolved marriages, we should all take a beat.
Especially because it seems like the faster you report something, the higher the chance that it's going to not be true. So let's give Khlo a little space—and in the meantime, tabloid muckrackers on the couples beat, you can keep yourselves busy finding out if this bizarro thing between Kris Jenner and Bachelor Ben Flajnik is for real. Because all I want for Christmas is to hear that yes, it is—but don't tell me till you're absolutely sure.